
Ho podem veure a artinfo on l'han seleccionada per exposar la seva obra en una expo online. Més endavant, en anglés, la mateixa artista ens presenta el mortiu que la porta a realitzar l'obra: l'ansietat, l'estrés de la vida diària. Definitivament l'art serveix per evadir-nos de la realitat o per soportar-la.

Enhorabona Andrea.

Suffocating" by AndreaCC

AndreaCC: It's a piece I did because I was feeling really anxious about everything: my economy, my home but mostly my dream of becoming an artist. So I started painting in a rush, as if I was drowning. I try to express my emotions and intentions through colors. I want to be able to distort the images of my paintings so they can become more "clear" to the observer.

ARTINFO: A mash-up of Baconian angst and post-Pop abstraction, the half-obscured figure is either emerging from or disappearing into an amorphous foam of neon-hued colors, the whole thing reading as a painterly visual manifestation of our contemporary condition of overload.